Houston...We Definitley Have Ignition !

Ignition issues on Lancia resolved

1/10/20252 min read

After nearly seven months of struggling I finally got Lancee started.

Along the way we have changed the HT leads, Rotor Arm and Distributor Cap, Ignition control unit, ignition switch and used a load of easy start but today I got the engine running for a few seconds.

Since my last blog entry I ordered a new ignition switch from the USA and fitted it hoping it would solve my problems but there was no change.

In the end Bill from Motor Vehicle Electrician (MVE) (https://www.motorvehicleelectrician.co.uk/ ) located in Smethwick Birmingham came over to try and diagnose the issue.

After much multimeter activity he identified that there were two issues (1) one of the wires from the ignition control unit connecting block had come out; and (ii) the fuse for the ignition switch was not getting power due to some kind of fault in that particular fuse connecting terminals.

After a bit of fiddling and a lot of patience we were able to get the engine to run a bit with a generous squirt of easystart.

I will need to resolve the issue in the fuse box.

Since i bought the car on every fourth start of the car the ignition would just click and then after a few more attempts would eventually start. I had always assumed that it was the ignition switch but the new switch exhibited the same issue. It turns out that the dodgy fuse was the cause of the intermittent failure to start.

I think I may have a spare fuse box so will try and locate that . Worst case will take of the existing fusebox and ask MVE to repair it.

To be quite honest I was stumped at this point and they were able to come in and help so a big thanks to MVE for all their help.

The next steps are to sort the fusebox issue and change the fuel pump as there is no fuel coming in. Once we have it running we can complete the engine flush and add new coolant.

Today has been an important day for both motivation and the journey to get the car back on the road.

Onwards and upwards...