Earth to Beta Spyder !!

A quick update on my Lancia issues

12/31/20241 min read

This will be a short post.

Finally managed to get some time with my Lancia. Checked all earth cabling and this involved disconnecting them and cleaning both the terminals and the mounting points.

Having checked for bad grounding using a multimeter I have concluded that the earths are OK.

One thing that has been causing an issue is my ignition switch - it does not work on every third or fourth turn of the key.

Having checked the earth cable I tried to start the car and again there was no spark visible when I connected the HT lead directly to a spark plug on the engine. I did notice that when turning the key to the position where it is just power (i.e in position before engine cranks) there was a spark visible but nothing on cranking the engine.

I have a suspicion that the ignition switch may not be working properly in the starting position and have ordered a new one from the USA to replace my current switch.

Best case this resolves the spark issue , worst case it resolves the heavily worn ignition switch which was always going to have to be replaced for reliability.

I am waiting for the parts to arrive and will update in due course.

Fingers crossed this fixes the problem.

I hope to make real progress on the Lancia during 2025.

Happy new year everyone !